Different types of vegetables are available in the market, but not all vegetables are available in the same season, because vegetables grow according to the season, some vegetables are in winter, some are in monsoon and some are in summer. Each vegetable has a different taste as well as its appearance. We know that vegetables contain various vitamins, and that is why vegetables are very important for our health. In our daily life we basically eat many types of vegetables but among them there are some vegetables whose name we don't know. So to overcome this problem we have shown list of all vegetable images and there Bengali name as well as English name.
So let's know the name of all vegetables in Bengali and English.
1.Cauliflower (কলিফ্লাওয়ার) - ফুলকপি
5.Tomato (টমেটো) - টমেটো
6. Cucumber (কিউকাম্বার) - শশা
7. Potato (পটেটো ) - আলু
8. Brinjal (ব্রিঞ্জাল) - বেগুন
9. Radish (র্যাডিশ) - মূলা
10. Beetroot (বীটরুট) - বিট
11. Pointed Gourd (পয়েন্টেড গর্ড ) - পটল
11. Jack-fruit (জ্যাকফ্রুট) - কাঁঠাল
12. Papaya (পাপায়া) - পেঁপে
13. Lemon (লেমন) - লেবু
14. Taro (টারো) - কচু
15. Bean (বিন) - শিম
16. Yard-long Bean (ইয়ার্ড - লং বিন) - বরবটি
17. Lady Finger (লেডি ফিঙ্গার) - ঢেঁড়স
18. Banana (বানানা) - কলা
19. Bottle Gourd (বটল গর্ড) - লাউ
20. Carrot (ক্যারট) - গাজর
21. Wax Gourd (ওয়াক্স গর্ড) - চাল কুমড়া
22. Sweet Potato (সুইট পটেটো) - মিষ্টি আলু
23. Air yam/ Air Potato (এয়ার ইয়াম / এয়ার পটেটো ) - গাছ আলু
24. Capsicum (ক্যাপসিকাম) - ক্যাপসিকাম
25. Pea (পি) - মটরশুঁটি
26. Elephant Foot yam ( এলিফ্যান্ট ফুট ইয়াম) - ওল

27. Onion Sprouts (ওনিয়ন স্প্রাউটস) - পেঁয়াজ কলি
28. Plantain flower (প্ল্যানটেন ফ্লাওয়ার) - কলার মোচা
29. Spiny Gourd (স্পাইনি গর্ড) - কাঁকরোল
30. Bitter Gourd (বিটার গর্ড) - করলা/ উচ্ছে
31. Snake Gourd (স্নেক গর্ড) - চিচিঙ্গা
32. Ribbed gourd (রিব্ড গর্ড) - ঝিঙ্গে
33. Turnip (টার্নিপ) - শালগম
34. Baby corn (বেবি কর্ন) - শিশু ভূট্টা
35. Broccoli (ব্রকলি) - ব্রকলি
36. Drumstick (ড্রামস্টিক) - সাজনা
37. Bamboo shoots (বাম্বু শুটস) - বাঁঁশ কোড়ল
38. Mint (মিন্ট) - পুদিনা
39. Mushroom (মাশরুম) - মাশরুম
40. Cilantro (সালানট্রো) - ধনে পাতা
We hope you enjoyed knowing all the vegetable names, and we have also discussed season wise vegetables, so, check the below list.
1. Summer vegetables name.
We know that during summer the surrounding temperature is very high, so due to this high temperature we sweat a lot and we lose most of the water from our body. So we need to drink a lot of water in this season to keep ourselves hydrated and there are some fruits that contains water. So we should eat a lot of fruits at this season.
List of the summer season vegetables are given below....
- Tomato
- Bitter gourd
- Bottle gourd
- Pumpkin
- Green beans
- Green peas
- Carrots
- Cucumber
- Bell peppers
2. Winter Session vegetable names.
In winter temperature is very low and in this season we face many types of common diseases like fever, cold etc. mainly due to low immunity. So we should eat mostly vegetables to boost-up our immune system. In this season , there are different types of vegetables available in the market which help to boost-up our immune system so, if you eat these vegetables it can protect you from those common diseases.
List of the winter season vegetables are given below.
- Cabbage
- Radish
- Beet
- Cauliflower
- Ladyfinger
- Winter squash
- Turnip
- Potato
3. Monsoon season vegetables.
Below is the list of Monsoon season vegetables.
- Pumpkin
- Brinjal
- Broccoli
- Sweet Potato
- Corn