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Boost Your Efficiency: 200+ Excel Shortcut Keys

 Successful people says that there is no shortcut to success. But when it’s about Excel it’s different.

More Shortcuts More Productivity.

Excel is one of the most common and powerful applications. It is an application which is using for many years, maybe every computer users are very familiar with the name of this application because we get to know about Excel at the beginning level of computer learning. Excel is one of the most useful Microsoft tools which is used in every sector. Many things are possible to do with this application. There are many companies that manage their organization data in Excel.

Excel has several advanced features, one of them is using shortcut keys. By using Excel shortcut keys, you can undoubtedly speed up your work process and further you can increase the overall productivity of your work.

In this article, we have discussed a wide range of Excel keyboard shortcuts. Excel has a pretty long list of shortcuts, and we’ve summarized most of the shortcuts in different sections so that it will be very easy to memorize. All the shortcuts below are compatible with almost every version of Excel.

Before moving to the Excel shortcuts section, let’s understand the fundamental concept of shortcuts:

  • Using plus sign (+) in the shortcut, means you must press multiple keys at once. For example, Ctrl + C, means you need to press the ‘Ctrl‘ key and the ‘C‘ key together.
  • When a shortcut list contains a comma (,) it means you have to press multiple keys in sequence. For example, Alt + H, A, R, we need to press the ‘Alt‘ key and ‘H‘ together, then release those keys and press and R one after the other.
  • There are some function keys (eg F1, F2, F3….), which are used as shortcut keys in Excel. There are some keyboards where function keys work with the ‘Fn‘ button. So in that case first press the ‘Fn‘ key to enable the function key and then press the corresponding shortcut key.

Excel Shortcut keys

Shortcut Key to open Excel

Press Windows Logo key + R, Then a popup will appear and type excel in the box and press enter.

Frequently used Excel Shortcut Key

Shortcut Key/sAction
Ctrl + NCreate new Workbook
Ctrl + OOpen an existing Workbook from the local storage
Ctrl + SSave Workbook
F12Displays the Save As dialog box.
Alt + F4Close Excel.
Ctrl + ASelect the entire sheet
Ctrl + CCopy the selected cell
Ctrl + XCut the selected cell
Ctrl + VPaste the copied content
Ctrl + ZUndo the last action
Ctrl + YRepeat the last action
Ctrl + BApply or remove bold formatting
Ctrl + IApply or remove italic formatting
Ctrl + UApply or remove underlined formatting
Ctrl + WClose a workbook
Ctrl + F2Display the print preview window
Ctrl + PPrint the current sheet
F1Open the Excel help center
PgDnMove one screen down
PgUpMove one screen Up
Down Arrow ( ↓ )Move one cell down
Up Arrow ( ↑ )Move one cell up
Shift + F11Add a new worksheet
Ctrl + PgDnMove to the next worksheet
Ctrl + PgUpMove to the previous worksheet
Ctrl + TabSwitch to the next workbook
Ctrl + Shift + TabSwitch to the previous worksheet
Ctrl + F9Minimize the current workbook window
Ctrl + F10Maximize current workbook window
Ctrl + Mouse wheel scrollZoom-in / Zoom-out
Ctrl + Alt + VDisplay the Special Paste dialog box
Ctrl + FDisplay find and replace dialog box with find selected
Ctrl + HDisplay find and replace dialog box with replace selected
Ctrl+Enter  Complete entry and stay in the same cell

Excel Shortcut Key for Navigation

Shortcut KeyAction
HomeMove to the first column of the same row
Ctrl + HomeMove to the first cell of the worksheet
Ctrl + EndMove to the last cell of the data region in the worksheet
EndTurn On/Off End mode
Right Arrow ( → )Move to one cell right
Left Arrow ( ← )Move to one cell left
Up Arrow ( ↑ )Move to one cell up
Down Arrow ( ↓ )Move to one cell down
Ctrl + Right Arrow (→)Move to the right edge of the data region
Ctrl + Left Arrow (←)Move to the left edge of the data region
Ctrl + Up Arrow (↑)Move to the top edge of the data region
Ctrl + Down Arrow (↓)Move to the bottom edge of the data region
PgUpMove one screen up
PgDnMove one screen down
Alt + PgDnMove one screen right
Alt + PgUpMove one screen left
TabMove to the next cell
Shift + TabMove to the previous cell

Selection Related Excel Shortcut Key

Shortcut KeyAction
Ctrl + ASelect the entire sheet
Ctrl + Shift + SpacebarSelect all in that data region
Shift + SpaceSelect entire row
Ctrl + SpaceSelect entire column
Shift + Right Arrow (→)Extend the selection from the current cell to the Right
Shift + Left Arrow (←)Extend the selection from the current cell to the Left
Shift + Up Arrow (↑)Extend the selection from the current cell to the Up
Shift + Down Arrow (↓)Extend the selection from the current cell to the Down
Ctrl + Shift + Right Arrow (→)Extend the selection to the last column of the data region
Ctrl + Shift + Left Arrow (←)Extend the selection to the first column of the data region
Ctrl + Shift + Up Arrow (↑)Extend the selection to the first row of the data region
Ctrl + Shift + Down Arrow (↓)Extend the selection to the last row of the data region
Shift + PgUpExtend selection one screen up
Shift + PgDnExtend selection one screen down
Alt + Shift + PgDnExtend selection to one screen right
Alt + Shift + PgUpExtend selection to one screen left
Shift + ClickSelection adjacent cells
Ctrl + ClickSelection non-adjacent cells
Shift + HomeSelect up to the first column of the same row
Ctrl + Shift + HomeSelect up to the first cell in the worksheet
Ctrl + Shift + EndSelect up to the last cell in the worksheet
Ctrl + Shift + PgDnSelect the current and next sheets in a workbook.
Ctrl + Shift + PgUpSelect the current and previous sheets in a workbook.

Excel Shortcut Key for Number Formatting

Shortcut KeyAction
Ctrl + Shift + $Apply the Currency format with two decimal place
Ctrl + Shift + %Apply the Percentage format with no decimal places.
Ctrl + Shift + !Apply the Number format with two decimal places
(Thousands separator, and minus sign (-) for negative values)
Ctrl + Shift + ~Apply the General number format.
Ctrl + Shift + #Apply the Date format with the day-month-year.
Ctrl + Shift + ^Apply the Scientific number format with two decimal places.
Ctrl + Shift + @Apply the Time format (Hour and Minute with AM or PM)

Excel Shortcut Key for Formatting Cell

Shortcut KeyAction
Alt + H, A, CMove the cell contents to the center
Alt + H, A, LMove the cell contents to the left side
Alt + H, A, RMove the cell contents to the right side
Alt + H, F, GIncrease the font size of the selected cell by one step
Alt + H, F, KDecrease the font size of the selected cell by one step
Alt + H + 6Move your content farther away from the cell border
Alt + H + 5Move your content closer to the cell border
Ctrl + Shift + FOpen the Format Cells dialog box with the font tab selected
Ctrl + 5Apply or remove strikethrough formatting
Alt + H, HChoose a fill color
Alt + H, H, NChoose a No-fill color
Ctrl + Shift + ampersand (&)Add an outline border to the selected cells.
Ctrl + Shift + underline ( _ )Remove the outline border from the selected cells.
Ctrl + SemiColon (;)Enter the current date in a call
Ctrl + Shift + colon (:)Enter the current time a cell
Ctrl + Shift + Plus sign (+)Open the Insert dialog box to insert a blank cell.
Ctrl + Minus sign (-)Open the Delete dialog box to delete the selected cell.
Ctrl + grave accent (`)Switch between displaying cell values or
formulas in the worksheet.
Ctrl + apostrophe (‘)Copy a formula from the cell above the active cell into the cell
or the Formula Bar.
Ctrl + DCopy the above cell contents and format in the current cell.
Ctrl + QOpen the quick analysis options for selected cells that contain data.
Ctrl + Shift + GDisplay the Workbook Statistics dialog box.

Excel Shortcut Key for Cell Edit Mode

Shortcut KeyAction
F2Edit the active cell
Ctrl + KAdd hyperlink
Alt + Down Arrow (↓)Display auto-complete list
Ctrl + GOpen Go To dialog box
DeleteDelete one character to the right
BackspaceDeletes one character to the left
Shift + EndSelect up to the end of the line.
Alt + EnterStart a new line in the same cell.
Shift + F2Insert or edit notes in the current cell.
TabCompleted the cell entry and move to the next cell.
Shift + TabCompleted the cell entry and move to the previous cell.
EnterCompleted the cell entry and move to the cell below.
Shift + EnterCompleted the cell entry and move to the cell above.
SpaceCheck and uncheck the box
Ctrl + RFill the selected cell as the same of left cell
Ctrl + DFill the selected cell as same of the above cell
Ctrl + ;Insert current date
Ctrl + Shift + :Insert current time
EscCancel cell entry

Excel Shortcut Key related to Rows and Columns

Shortcut KeyAction
Ctrl + Plus( + )Insert the selected number of rows or column
Ctrl + Plus( + )Display Insert Dialog box
Ctrl + Minus(-)Delete the selected number of rows or columns
Ctrl + Minus(-)Display Delete dialog box
DeleteDelete the content of selected cells
Ctrl + 0Hide columns
Ctrl + Shift + 0Unhide columns
Ctrl + 9Hide rows
Ctrl + Shift + 9Unhide rows
Alt + Shift + Right Arrow (→)Create a Group of selected rows or columns
Alt + Shift + Left Arrow (←)Ungroup selected rows or columns
Alt + Shift + Right Arrow (→)Open Group Dialog Box
Alt + Shift + Left Arrow (←)Open Ungroup Dialog Box
Ctrl + 8Hide or show outline symbols

Excel Shortcut Key for Cell Border

Shortcut KeyAction
Alt + H, B, AAll Borders
Alt + H, B, NNo Border
Alt + H, B, SOutside Borders
Alt + H, B, OBottom Border
Alt + H, B, PTop Border
Alt + H, B, LLeft Border
Alt + H, B, RRight Border
Alt + H, B, TThick Outside Borders
Alt + H, B, BBottom Double Border
Alt + H, B, HThick Bottom Border
Alt + H, B, DTop and Bottom Border
Alt + H, B, CTop and Thick Bottom Border
Alt + H, B, UTop and Double Bottom Border
Alt + H, B, WDraw Border
Alt + H, B, GBorder Grid
Alt + H, B, EErase Border
Alt + H, B, ILine Color
Alt + H, B, YLine Style

Excel Shortcut Key for Table

Shortcut KeyAction
Ctrl + TInsert table
Alt + Down Arrow (↓)Open the AutoFilter Menu dialog box.
Ctrl + Shift + LTurn on filtering for the selected cell
Alt + CClear slicer filter
Ctrl + Shift + TToggle table total row
Ctrl + MMove the table.
Ctrl + RRename the table.

Other Excel Shortcut Key

Shortcut KeyAction
F7Open the Spelling dialog box
Alt + F11Open the VBA Editor window
Ctrl + 6Hide or show objects
Alt + ‘Display Style dialog box
Alt + SpaceDisplay control menu
Alt + F, TOpen the Excel Options dialog box
Alt + F, DOpen the Excel account dialog box
Alt + F1Create an embedded chart of the data in the current range.
F11Create a chart in the new sheet
AltActivate access keys
Shift + F10Displays the context menu for a selected item.
Ctrl + Shift + UExtend or collapse the formula bar.
Ctrl + F1Display or Hide the ribbon.
F5Display the Go To dialog box
Alt + MGo to the Formula tab.
Ctrl + F6Switches between the workbook window
Alt + F8Displays the Macro dialog to create, run, edit, or delete a macro.
Shift + F7Open the Thesaurus dialog box
Ctrl + EFlash fill
FAQ - Excel Shortcut Keys

1. Excel insert row shortcut

Answer: Just press Ctrl + Plus(+) to insert row in Excel.

2. Shortcut key for filter in Excel

Answer: Press CTRL+shift +L to Turn on filtering for the selected cell, and Alt + ↓  key is used for Opening the AutoFilter Menu dialog box.

3. Scroll lock shortcut

Answer: If you want to lock the Excel cell then you have to press Scroll Lock from your keyboard, it also depending on your keyboard, this might also be labeled as a ScrLk key.

4. Shortcut for merge cell

Answer: Select the cells you want to merge then press Alt+H+M+M

5. Paste special shortcut key

Answer: The shortcut key for the spacial paste dialog box is Ctrl+Alt+V.

6. Excel save as shortcut

Answer: Excel save as shortcut is F12.

7. Pivot table shortcut key

Answer: If you want to create a pivot table for the selected cell, then press Alt+V+N+Enter.

8. Insert a column in Excel shortcut

Answer: Press Ctrl + Plus(+) to insert column in Excel

9. Excel merge and center shortcut

Answer: Select the cells you want to merge and center then press ALT+H+M+C

10. Excel new sheet shortcut

Answer: SHIFT+F11 key is used as a shortcut key to insert a new worksheet.

12. Delete row Excel shortcut

Answer: If you want to delete an Excel row then you have to press Ctrl+Minus Sign(-), This shortcut also works to delete the column.

This is the complete list of keyboard shortcuts for Microsoft Excel, if you want to become an Excel expert, I suggest you learn about some shortcuts and start using them as part of your daily work. We know that it is quite difficult to remember all the shortcuts, but if you try to use them every day, it will be memorized automatically and you will be much more productive in less time.

Read Also: 200+ Keyboard Shortcut Keys of Computer.

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