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100+ Essential Run Commands for Windows 10/11 Users

 Windows operating system is created with a beautiful user interface along with a command prompt. Sometimes it is very difficult to navigate through many options because it takes more time. Due to this fact windows operating system also offers a quick option, which is the Run Command Box. There are lots of run commands for different programs, so by using the command you can open the program very easily with less time, and you will also get better productivity. In this post, we will show you more than 200 hundred run commands for Windows OS and their uses.

How to open the Run Dialog box?

To open the run box you can manually type run in the search box and then click on the run app, it will open the run command box.

Run Commands for Windows

Run Command Shortcut

The keyboard shortcut to open the run command box is to press Windows Logo + r

Open run box by keyboard shortcut

Run Commands for Windows 10/11

Most Searchable Run Commands on Google

1. Run CMD as administrator

If you want to run cmd as administrator then press Win logo + r, type cmd into the field, and then press Ctrl + Shift + Enter. This will open Command Prompt with administrative privileges.

2. Device Manager Run Command

To open Device Manager, press the Windows logo + R key simultaneously. and inside the Run box type devmgmt.msc and click OK.

3. Elevated Command Prompt

Elevated Command Prompt means administrator privilege command prompt. So just press Win logo + r, type cmd into the field, and then press Ctrl + Shift + Enter to open an elevated Command Prompt.

4. Control Panel Run Command

To open the control panel easily through the run command, first lunch the run box by pressing Win Logo + R and type appwiz.cpl then click OK, it will directly open Programs and Features.

5. Shortcut To Open Command Prompt

The easiest way to open Command Prompt is Press Win Logo + R, type cmd, and hit enter.

6. Task Manager Run Command

Task Manager run command is – taskmgr, To open task manager, first launch the run box by pressing winlogo+r and type there taskmgr and press Enter, Task Manager will open immediately, Except this way, you can also press and hold the CTRL+Shift+ESC keys simultaneously to open task manager.

7. Event Viewer Run Command

Event Viewer Run Command is – eventvwr. Open the Run dialog box by pressing the Windows logo +R type eventvwr and click OK.

8. Remote Desktop Run Command

mstsc is the command which is used to open Windows Remote Desktop. Press winlogo + r and type mstsc and hit enter.

Remote Desktop Run Command

9. Task Scheduler Run Command

To open Task Scheduler use taskschd.msc run command.

10. Computer Management Run Command

Use compmgmt.msc to open computer management.

11. Run Command to Delete Unwanted Files

Go to the Run command by pressing Windows Logo + R and type in TEMP and delete all the files in the folder which opens. Again do the same thing by typing %TEMP% in the run command.

Below we have mentioned other Run Commands for Windows 10 and 11 which we have classified in tabular form, so read all the commands carefully, and we can assure you that if you increase the use of the run command, it will return you much more productivity. So know the run command and become a computer expert.

Run Commands for Windows
This box comes up by pressing Winlogo + R

Run Commands for Windows Application

Note: Below the run command will only work if the application is installed.

calcOpen calculator
cmdOpen command prompt
winwordOpen Microsoft word
word /safeOpen Microsoft Word in safe mode
excelOpen Microsoft excel
excel /safeOpen Microsoft Excel in safe mode
powerpntOpen Microsoft Powerpoint
powerpoint /safeOpen Microsoft PowerPoint in safe mode
outlookOpen Microsoft Outlook
outlook /safeOpen Microsoft Outlook in safe mode
notepadOpen Notepad application
wordpadOpen Wordpad
writeOpen Wordpad
pbrushOpen Microsoft paint
mspaintOpen Microsoft paint
wmplayerOpen the Windows media player
snippingtoolOpen Snipping tool
mailto:Launches default mail application

Run Commands for Folder Locations

documentsOpen Documents Folder
downloadsOpen Downloads Folder
picturesOpen Pictures Folder
recentOpen Recent Folder
favoritesOpen Favorites Folder
videosOpen Videos folder
debugOpen the debug folder
wabOpen the contact folder
appdataOpen AppData folder
c:Open C-Drive
\Open the system volume
explorerOpen Windows file explorer

System Information Run Commands

winverShow the OS information
msinfo32Open the System information window
dxdiagOpen DirectX diagnostic tool

Network-Related Run Commands

ncpa.cplOpen Network Connections
inetcpl.cplOpens Internet properties
firewall.cplOpens Windows firewall
mstscLaunches the Remote desktop connection
mobsyncOpens Windows Defender firewall
cliconfgOpen Client Network utility
netstatShow active connections in network

Run Commands for System Configurations

devmgmt.mscDevice Management
eventvwr.mscEvent Viewer
diskmgmt.mscDisk Partition Manager
netplwizTo create a User account
dcomcnfgComponent Services
compmgmt.mscComputer Management
fsmgmt.mscOpen Shared Folders Window
secpol.mscOpen Local Security Policy Settings
gpedit.mscOpen Local Group Policy Editor
lusrmgr.mscOpen Local User and Groups Window
perfmon.mscOpen Performance Monitor Window

Run Command for Administrator Tools

taskmgrOpen the Task manager
regeditOpen the Registry editor
taskschd.mscOpen Task scheduler
diskpartOpen the Disk partition in command prompt
cleanmgrOpen the disk cleanup window
recdiscOpen Disk repair and recovery tool
resmonLaunches the resource monitor
mdschedWindows memory diagnosis
services.mscOpen Windows services
dfrguiOpen Optimize Drivers Window
comexp.mscOpen Component services console
certmgr.mscOpen the Disk partition in the command prompt
msdtOpens the Microsoft support diagnostic tool
wbemtestLaunches Windows management instrumentation tester
fsmgmt.mscOpen the shared folder management window
rsop.mscOpen Resultant Set of Policy Window

Device Management Run Commands

control printersOpen Devices and Printers window
wfsOpen Windows fax and scan window
mmsys.cplOpen sound configuration panel
hdwwiz.cplOpen the Device manager
sndvolOpen volume Mixer control panel
hdwwizOpen Add hardware wizard window
joy.cplOpen Windows fax and scan the window

System Setting Run Commands

sysdm.cplOpen the System Properties window
msconfigOpen the System configuration window
control foldersOpen the System Properties window
appwiz.cplOpen the driver verifier Manager window
eventvwrOpen the event viewer window
optionalfeaturesOpens “Turn windows features ON or OFF” window
control access.cplOpen ease of access center
rekeywizOpen the File encryption setting window
mblctrOpen Windows Mobility center

Read Also:- Calculator Shortcut Key For Windows

Display Related Run Commands

desk.cplOpen the display settings
dpiscalingOpen the display resolution setting
displayswitchOpen the Display projection menu
control desktopOpen the Personalization window in Settings
fontsOpen the Fonts folder
colorcplOpen the Color management window
dccwOpen the display color calibration window

Miscellaneous Run Commands for Windows

oskOpen the on-screen keyboard
logoffLogs off the user from the device
shutdownShuts down the system
magnifyOpen Windows magnifier
timedate.cplOpen the time and date settings
controlOpen the Control panel
intl.cplOpen the Region settings window
charmapOpen the character map
wabmigImport to Windows contacts
narratorOpen the Narrator settings
credwizOpen credentials backup/restore window
psrOpen the screen/step recorder
netplwizOpen User account control panel
powershellOpen Windows PowerShell
powershell_iseOpen Windows PowerShell (ISE)

We hope we have explained all the Windows Run Commands very well, after that if you have any queries then please feel free to ask in the comment section.

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